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Nominate an Intervention

Nominate an intervention for inclusion in the Framework

We are now welcoming nominations for interventions / approaches to be considered for inclusion in the Early Intervention Framework. This can be done by completing this form (Intervention Nomination Form) and returning it to Psychology@nes.scot.nhs.uk. An example of a completed form can be found here

Nominations may be submitted at any time, however, a review of nominated interventions will only take place twice a year. Nominations submitted after the review periods will be collated and held over to the next review period.

The Review Process for new Nominations

All intervention nominations will be considered and evaluated for inclusion in the Early Intervention Framework using the same processes that were undertaken when originally developing the Framework. This twice-yearly process will continue to utilise members of the Early Intervention Framework Technical Working Group (TWG). The TWG will examine nominations to establish whether the intervention / approach meets the Early Intervention Framework inclusion and exclusion criteria. Interventions that the majority of the group think should be included will have a full Hexagon Tool review undertaken and, assuming no barriers to inclusion are identified through that process, a full summary of the intervention will be produced for inclusion in the Framework. When a majority decision by the TWG about any intervention/approach is unable to be reached, the Early Intervention Framework Executive Team will examine the nominated interventions and take a decision about inclusion. This decision will then be ratified by the TWG. You may be contacted to provide additional information if this is required to make a decision.

If you have nominated an intervention / approach, you will be contacted following this process to be informed of the outcome.

Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria

To be considered for inclusion in the Early Intervention Framework, the intervention must have established that it:

  • Is applicable to children and/or families at some point between the antenatal period until age 18 years
  • Is a psychosocial prevention or early intervention approach with a primary intended outcome of improving children’s mental health
  • Has the potential to achieve measurable mental health and mental wellbeing outcomes for children
  • Be sufficiently specified so it can be replicated – the intervention has operationalised principles and values and core components that are measurable and observable but may not yet have a fidelity assessment or identified modifiable practice components
  • Is evidence-based – approaches must meet a minimum standard of evidence before being included. The minimum standard of evidence is:
    • The intervention is guided by a well-developed theory of change or logic model, including clear inclusion and exclusion criteria for the target population, that may not yet have demonstrated effectiveness through a research study


Interventions will be excluded if:

  • The intervention is not applicable to children and/or families at some point between the antenatal period until age 18 years
  • The intervention is not developed with a primary intended outcome of improving children’s mental health and mental well-being (if mental health or mental well-being is a secondary or tertiary outcome, the intervention will be excluded)
  • The intervention is related principally to professional development
  • The intervention is conceptually too broad or is intended to be just conceptual in nature
  • The intervention is a framework/implementation system or general approach to working
  • They refer to a selection of resources and materials, rather than a coherent theoretically informed intervention or approach
  • They are assessment tools or approaches that have not demonstrated impact on mental health outcomes and as such could not be considered an intervention in their own right


The Early Intervention Framework is also not a directory of services or agencies offering mental health and wellbeing interventions to children and young people. It is a database of specific psychologically informed mental health and wellbeing interventions and approaches.