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Key overview details

  • Universal
  • Targeted
Mental Wellbeing Need
  • Supporting Behavioural Challenges
  • Anger/Aggression
  • Promoting Emotional Wellbeing
  • Anxiety / Worry / Stress
  • Emotion Regulation / Emotional literacy
  • Self Esteem / Resilience
  • Adjustment to life events (including separation or loss)
  • Trauma
  • Supporting Positive Relationships
  • Social Skills / Positive Peer Relationship
Target Age
  • Primary school: 6 to 12 years
  • Show only programmes known to have been implemented in Scotland
Usability Rating
Supports Rating
Evidence Rating

Journey of Hope


Journey of Hope (JoH) is a school based intervention delivered to groups of primary school students (primary 1 - primary 7). This programme aims to help children normalise their emotions; identify triggers and stressors; and develop positive coping strategies to manage their emotions. JoH is universally delivered to boost resilience and self-esteem in children; or is delivered as a targeted intervention to children who have experienced trauma (e.g. gang related violence, terrorist attacks and school shootings) or natural disasters. As a targeted intervention, JoH selects children who have had these difficult experiences on the basis that they are at greater risk for social-emotional difficulties.

JoH is based on social learning theory. The programme teaches skills for socio-emotional development, problem solving, and positive coping. With these enhanced skills, children are better equipped to manage current and future challenges. Programme curriculum is taught to groups of children, over 8 sessions. Sessions last about 1 hour and are delivered weekly. The intervention is delivered through group games, books, music, dance, art, dialogue, etc. Programme delivery is associated with significant improvements in prosocial behaviour and coping skills.

JoH has been delivered in the Scotland, but only as part of a whole school approach to mental health. This whole school approach (which includes JoH and other mental health services) is currently available to Place2Be partner schools.

Website: www.place2be.org.uk

Usability - Rating: 4

Core Components

Journey of Hope (JoH) is a school based programme for primary school children (primary 1 – primary 7). The programme is designed to help children normalise their emotions, identify things that trigger negative emotions and develop positive coping strategies to manage their emotions. It can be delivered universally or as a targeted intervention. As a universal intervention, JoH also aims to boost resilience and self-esteem. As a targeted intervention, JoH is delivered to children who have experienced trauma (e.g. gang related violence, terrorist attacks and school shootings) or natural disasters. JoH selects these children due to their increased risks for social-emotional difficulties. Targeted children are identified for the programme by teachers and social workers, based on the children’s level of distress and functioning in the classroom.

JoH is a manualised programme delivered over 8 weeks, in weekly one-hour sessions to groups of children (5-8 per group in Primaries 1-3 & 5-10 per group in Primaries 4-7). The programme is delivered by Place2Be clinical staff, and supported by a member of school staff, who acts as a support person. The programme content includes; 1) Introduction: Creating safety; 2) Understanding and coping with fear, worry, sadness, anger, and bullying; 3) Self-esteem and taking action; 4) Me, my emotions and my community. This programme is delivered through group play, role play, writing activities, and art activities including music, dance, etc. JoH is delivered in a safe and supportive environment. In this space, children feel comfortable being a part of group activities, and sharing their feelings.

Children and young adolescents with severe externalising behaviours may be unable to be part of JoH group activities, and may require other individualised programmes. Assessment and formulation is carried-out to identify children that will most likely benefit from the programme.


The quality of delivery is assured through quality reviews carried out for all newly trained practitioners by a trained quality reviewer, who is also from Place2Be.

Modifiable Components

JoH is designed to be developmentally appropriate to suit the different ages of the children; Junior JoH for children aged 5-7 years (P1-P3); Elementary JoH for children aged 8-11 years (P4-P7), and Adolescent JoH (for adolescents, and is not currently available in Scotland). The manualised curriculum can be adapted with age appropriate activities, discussions, and learning strategies which suit the comprehension of the different groups. JoH is only available in English language when delivered in the UK via Place2Be. JoH has been delivered in several countries including USA, New Zealand, Canada, Spain and Ukraine. JoH is typically delivered in school based settings, but can be delivered in a community centre.

Supports - Rating: 3


Implementation Support

Place2Be is currently the exclusive UK licence holder for JoH, and they deliver JoH as part of a whole school approach to mental health. This whole school approach (which includes JoH and other mental health services) is currently only available to Place2Be partner schools. Hence implementation support for JoH as a stand-alone programme is not currently available. The wider strategy to offer JoH as its’ own programme to non-partner schools is under development.

Schools can approach Place2Be to become partner schools in order to receive the whole school service. To support schools as partners, Place2Be meets with the schools to look at the school needs (including school roll, demographics). The Place2Be staff member (who is called the School Project Manager - SPM) is then placed within the school and provides a range of services, including one-to-one support; a drop in service for any child; JoH programme; support for parents; and school staff consultation.  In consultation with senior leadership team in that school, the SPM will prioritise the services accordingly.

Licence Requirements

There are no licence requirements to deliver this programme

Start-up Costs

JoH is only delivered to Place2Be partner schools as part of a whole school approach to school mental health and wellbeing. Hence implementation costs for JoH as a stand-alone programme is not currently available. For partnering schools, implementation costs will depend on a number of factors, including service delivery model, number of days the Place2Be staff member is employed within the school, and school size.

Building Staff Competency

Qualifications Required

JoH is delivered by trained Place2Be clinical staff. They are supported by a member of school staff, who acts as a support person. Support persons are typically teachers, teaching assistants or counsellors. They do not deliver any of the programme material or content, but can identify children who require extra support; support programme facilitator with any behaviour management issues; and help moderate the groups.  

Training Requirements

JoH is delivered by Place2be clinical staff. Training prior to programme delivery is required, and it involves completing the online introduction and facilitator modules on Hive (online learning platform), and one day workshop (Zoom or face to face). Completion of a refresher training course every two years is required.

The support staff receives no formal training for their role. However the Place2Be practitioner prepares the support person with general information and resources to give them a general overview of the programme.

Supervision Requirements

All Place2Be practitioners have a quality review completed in their first or second JoH delivery by trained quality reviewers (i.e. clinical supervisors).

Evidence - Rating: 4

Theory of Change

JoH is based on social learning theory. The programme teaches skills for socio-emotional development, problem solving, and positive coping. With these enhanced skills, children are better equipped to manage current and future disasters.

Primary school: 6 to 12 years - Rating: 4

Research Design & Number of Studies

The best evidence for children aged 6-12 years old comes from one internally conducted quasi-experimental wait-list control study. The study included 134 children, recruited from three schools, aged 8-12 years, of mainly African American ethnicity (80.4%). The schools included in this study had students who lived in areas directly affected by a class E-4 tornado (that struck Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 2011).  

Outcomes Achieved

Compared to the wait list control group, the following outcomes were observed at post-test;

Child Outcomes

  • Significant improvement in coping skills and pro-social behaviour

Parent Outcomes

None reported

Key References

Powell, T., & Thompson, S. (2014) Enhancing coping and supporting protective factors after a disaster: Findings from a quasi-experimental study. Research on Social Work Practice, 26(5), 539-549



Journey of Hope (JoH) is a school based intervention, universally delivered to groups of children in P1-P7 to boost resilience and self-esteem. It is also delivered as a targeted intervention to children who have experienced trauma or natural disasters. JoH is based on social learning theory. It teaches skills for socio-emotional development, problem solving, and positive coping. With these enhanced skills, children are better equipped to manage current and future disasters.

  • Does this approach align with the key values of your organisation?


JoH aims to help children normalise their emotions; identify triggers and stressors; and develop positive coping strategies to manage their emotions. The programme can be delivered as a universal intervention (for general resilience and self-esteem) or targeted intervention (for post trauma /disaster). JoH is currently delivered as part of a whole school approach to mental health. This whole school approach (which includes JoH and other mental health services) is currently available to Place2Be partner schools only.

  • Is your service looking to deliver a programme that can be used as both a targeted and universal intervention?
  • Is your organisation looking to deliver a programme that comes as part of a whole school approach to mental health? Does your organisation want to become a Place2Be partner?

Existing Initiatives

  • Does your organisation have existing programmes that can be used as both a post trauma /disaster intervention, and a universal intervention to boost resilience and self-esteem?
  • Are there components addressed by JoH that are not met by existing programmes?
  • Are the existing initiatives effective? Do they fit your current and anticipated future requirements?


JoH is delivered by trained Place2Be clinical staff. They are supported by a member of school staff, who acts as a support person. Support persons are typically teachers, teaching assistants or counsellors, and they do not deliver any of the programme material or content.

  • Does your organisation have practitioners who are interested in the programme, and are available to act as support staff to Place2Be facilitators?
  • Does your organisation have the co-operation/ support school staff for JoH implementation?

Technology Support

None required for programme delivery in schools.

Administrative Support

JoH is typically delivered in a school based setting. Coordination with school staff (as support persons) is necessary for programme delivery. Assessment and formulation is carried-out to identify children that will most likely benefit from the programme.

  • What strategies will your organisation adopt in identifying participants that will most likely benefit from the programme?
  • Does your organisation have an onsite space to run programme group sessions?

Financial Support

Implementation costs for JoH as a stand-alone programme is not currently available. Implementation costs for the whole school service for schools looking to partner with Place2Be will depend on a number of factors, including service delivery model, number of days the Place2Be staff member is employed within the school, and school size.


Comparable Population

JoH is delivered to groups of primary school students (primary 1 - primary 7). It can be universally delivered to boost resilience and self-esteem; or is delivered as a targeted intervention to children who have experienced trauma or natural disasters. Evidence of effectiveness comes from one quasi-experimental study that included children aged 8-12 years

  • Is this comparable to the population your organisation would like to serve?

Desired Outcome

JoH is designed to help children normalise their emotions, identify triggers and stressors,  and develop positive coping strategies to manage their emotions. Programme delivery is associated with significantly improved coping skills and pro-social behaviour.

  • Are the above outcomes priorities for your organisation?
  • Are there other primary outcomes that your organisation would like to achieve, which are outside the premise of JoH?
  • Does your organisation already have systems in place that effectively and efficiency address the above outcomes?
Developer Details

Annie Mcgovern (Business Development Manager for Scotland)

