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Key overview details

  • Universal
Mental Wellbeing Need
  • Supporting Behavioural Challenges
  • Anger/Aggression
  • Prosocial behaviour
  • Promoting Emotional Wellbeing
  • Anxiety / Worry / Stress
  • Depression/Low Mood
  • Emotion Regulation / Emotional literacy
  • Self Esteem / Resilience
  • Parenting
  • Parent-child relationship / Attachment
  • Social Skills / Positive Peer Relationship
Target Age
  • Adolescents: 13 to 18 years
  • Show only programmes known to have been implemented in Scotland
Usability Rating
Supports Rating
Evidence Rating

Mellow Ready


Mellow Ready is a face to face and online trauma informed relationship-based group intervention programme for young people aged 14 to 18 years, potential parents of the future.  The programme aims to provide young people with the opportunity to explore and understand their network of relationships giving them the tools to think flexibly, reduce stress and make informed decisions. This programme is delivered over 12 weekly sessions for 90 minutes to single-gender groups of 8 per group face to face and 6 per group online. The programme can also be offered on an individual basis.

The programme is guided by the principles of trauma informed practice, attachment theory and skills and knowledge required to develop increased levels of resilience.

Mellow Parenting is a Scotland based organisation, it offers Mellow Ready training and implementation support across the United Kingdom.

Service Provider Website:  https://www.mellowparenting.org/our-programmes

Usability - Rating: 3

Core Components

Mellow Parenting, based in Glasgow, offers a series of evidence-based programmes targeting parents, infants, children and teenagers. Mellow Ready is one of a family of seven available programmes.

Mellow Ready is guided by the principles of trauma informed practice, attachment theory and skills and knowledge required to develop increased levels of resilience for teenagers aged 14 – 18 years, potential parents of the future. The programme outcomes seek to deliver (1) improved mental health and well-being (2) understanding of needs of parents and babies (3) improved social connections and relationships and, (4) improved emotional literacy.

The programme is delivered by two trained Mellow Practitioners over 12 weekly sessions each 90 minutes either face to face or online to single-gender groups.  Face to face group sessions are suitable for a maximum of 8 participants and the online group sessions are suitable for a maximum of 6 participants.  Individual sessions can also be delivered.

Mellow Ready sessions provide young people with the opportunity to explore and understand their network of relationships whilst seeking to provide them with the tools to think flexibly, reduce stress and make informed decisions both now and in the future.  Participants are provided with a Mellow Ready Book and Pack. Delivery of the programme requires two trained practitioners, although three is encouraged to ensure practitioner coverage.  The programme, aimed at supporting young people’s mental health and wellbeing, focuses on six core areas (1) Exploring their network of relationships (2) Discovering tools to support their mental health including mindfulness (3) Understanding their emotions (4) Developing empathy and self-compassion (5) Finding out what really matters to them and, (6) Making informed choices about the future. The format of the Mellow Ready sessions include a mixture of reflective and practical techniques including strengths based exercises with flexible activities that practitioners can extend or reduce as necessary.  The materials are also flexible to allow activities to be adapted for each setting. 

The programme is clearly operationalised with a comprehensive suite of manuals including a structured practitioners manual ‘Mellow Ready’ in which the content of each session is fully described including a range of practitioner templates, checklists, forms and access to questionnaires.


To support fidelity across all programmes Mellow Parenting provides (1) Standardised training (2) Practitioner manuals and tools (3) Monitoring using an online framework supported by the Mellow Parenting Evaluation Team (4) Accreditation of practitioners and (5) Agency organisational supports. Access to Mellow Parenting experts to support practitioners to effectively replicate the programme is available on request via face to face, digital platforms, telephone calls or email at no additional cost.   

Modifiable Components

The core components of the programme are not modifiable and are required to be delivered although the duration of the activities can be adjusted accordingly. 

Supports - Rating: 3

Support for Organisation / Practice

Mellow Parenting is an ISO9001 accredited Scottish charity based in Glasgow.

Implementation Support

Mellow Parenting provide new sites/agencies with optional support during the implementation phase.  These supports include a robust Evaluation Framework supported by the Evaluation Team who provide guidance in relation to data collection, evaluation and how to maximise the use of findings along with detailed evaluation reports for each group. 

Ongoing general support is available from the Mellow Parenting Office by email, phone, skype or in person.  Senior trainer support is also available for practitioners if any issues arise during group delivery in the early stages of implementation and a dedicated website is also available for practitioners that includes programme resources and materials for downloading. These supports incur no additional cost.

Licence Requirements

There is no licensing requirement to deliver Mellow Parenting programmes however practitioners must hold a certificate of training to deliver the programme.

Start-up Costs

Start-up costs include an upfront one-off fee for Mellow Ready priced at £450.00 per person which includes practitioner training, a suite of practitioner manuals and online materials, implementation support and reflective consultation.

Building Staff Competency

Qualifications Required

Academic qualifications are not required to become a Mellow Ready Practitioner.  Experience working with children/young people’s mental health and group work, along with personal attributes such as empathy, nurturing and openness are desirable.

Training Requirements

Practitioner training is a requirement and is delivered over 2 half days (9.30-1pm) by trained practitioners. On completion, practitioners will receive a certificate of training required to deliver Mellow Parenting Programmes. Training is delivered in Scotland and across the UK however agencies can also commission training to be delivered onsite to a cohort of 8 participants at a cost of £3,200 per group plus travel and accommodation costs.

Supervision Requirements

Mellow Parenting practitioners have the option to become an accredited practitioner. This is done by working through the formal Accreditation framework that comprises two core components:

  • Reflective Consultation - following training practitioners must engage in coaching, supervision and mentoring with review of case vignettes and video feedback. This is undertaken over 2 to 3 discussions and can be accessed in the Mellow Parenting office (occasionally in London) or by skype or phone at no additional cost.  There is an option to request a Mellow Parenting Consultant to travel to an agency venue at a cost of £250 per day consultancy rate and travel and accommodation costs.   
  • Evaluation - agencies/practitioners submit pre and post group qualitative and quantitative data specific to each programme. This data is analysed by the Evaluation Team to inform the production of bespoke group evaluation reports. These reports can be used by practitioners to evaluate and validate programme effectiveness.

Successful completion of both Reflective Consultation and Evaluation will result in practitioner Accreditation. Re-accreditation, following the same process, is required thereafter every two years to remain an accredited practitioner.  There is no cost to becoming accredited or reaccredited.


Evidence - Rating: 1+

Theory of Change

Mellow Parenting programmes are based on psychological theories of attachment, social learning and cognitive behavioural therapy with an emphasis for Mellow Ready on trauma informed practice and skills and knowledge required to develop increased levels of resilience.  The foundation of all Mellow Parenting programmes is attachment theory with emphasis on the transmission of attachment and relationship styles across generations. The programme goals are clearly articulated which are to enable young people to (1) think flexibly (2) reduce stress and, (3) make informed decisions.

Adolescents: 13 to 18 years - Rating: 1+

Research Design & Number of Studies

Research relating to Mellow Ready was not identified.

Outcomes Achieved

Child Outcomes

  • N/A

Parent Outcomes

  • N/A

Key Reference

  • N/A


Mellow Parenting believes that nurturing relationships are vital to healthy development and has this value running through the organisation from staff to practitioners to families.  Mellow Parenting promotes inclusivity making programmes accessible to every parent and child that would benefit from attending regardless of their race, religion, gender, age, sexuality, socioeconomic status or geo-graphical location. 

  • Does promoting positive nurturing relationship for young people 14 to 18 years of age, potential parents of the future, align with the key values of your service/organisation?
  • Does promoting access and inclusivity for all regardless of their status align with your organisational values?


Mellow Ready is guided by the principles of trauma informed practice, attachment theory and skills and knowledge required to develop increased levels of resilience for teenagers aged 14–18 years, potential parents of the future.

  • Is working with adolescents to support them to understand their network of relationships, think flexibly, reduce stress and make informed decisions a priority for your organisation?
  • Is helping teenagers pre parenthood to build resilience and develop positive relationships and networks a priority for your organisation?

Existing Initiatives

  • Does your service already provide interventions for adolescents aiming to help them reduce stress, make informed decisions and to support improved mental health and wellbeing?
  • Does your area have practitioners trained in delivering Mellow Ready?
  • Do you have links with CAMHS, Adult Mental Health Services and Child Protection Services to refer onto if required?


To deliver Mellow Ready requires 2 trained practitioners (training duration is 2 half days) for 90 minutes per week for 12 weeks of the group.  Additionally, practitioners will require additional time for preparation prior to the group and for debriefing between each session

  • Do you have enough qualified practitioners available to commit to undertake training?
  • Do you have enough qualified practitioners available to commit to delivering the full extent of this programme?

Technology Support

To implement Mellow Ready from a technology perspective requires a TV monitor, DVD equipment or computer equipment.

  • Do you have access to adequate technology to support practitioners to effectively deliver the technological components of the programme?

Administrative Support

Administrative support is required to recruit participants, receive referrals, collect evaluation data and feedback, print off materials along with co-ordinating and booking of venues, hospitality, transport.  If groups are to be delivered online, there will be no hospitality or transport requirements, but arrangements made to deliver the Mellow Ready Log Book and materials.

  • Do you have enough administrative capacity and systems to meet these administrative needs?
  • Do you have access to facilities to host the group?

Financial Support

Financial support is required for training costing £450.00 per practitioner. The provision of a venue, hospitality and transport to deliver the programme will also require financial support.  If the group is being delivered online, all participants must have access to WIFI enabled devices? 

  • Do you have the finances to pay for practitioners to attend the training?
  • Running the groups will also incur costs such as printing, venue, hospitality and transport, are you able to fund these recurring group delivery costs?
  • Are you able to fund the purchase of data enabled tablets to enable participants to take part if they don’t have their own?

Comparable Population

Mellow Ready is aimed at young people aged 14–18 years, potential parents of the future, to support their mental health and wellbeing and to make sense of their own experiences and how it shapes them to attain and build better relationships in the future.

  • Is this comparable to the population you serve?
  • Does your organisation have existing contacts with young people in this population?
  • Are you likely to receive enough eligible referrals to populate a recurring programme of Mellow Ready?

Desired Outcome

Mellow Ready is an attachment and relationship-based group intervention programme underpinned by trauma informed practice that aims to deliver the following outcomes for young people (1) improved mental health and well-being (2) understanding of needs of parents and babies (3) improved social connections and relationships and, (4) improved emotional literacy.

  • Are improvements in young people’s mental health, well-being and emotional literacy, improved understanding of parental needs and relationships a priority outcome for your organisation?
Developer Details

Mellow Parenting

Unit 4

Six Harmony Row


G51 3BA

Phone: 0141 445 6066

Email: enquiries@mellowparenting.org
