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The Hexagon: An Exploration Tool
The Hexagon can be used as a planning tool to guide selection and evaluate potential programs and practice for use.
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Core Components
The Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme is a therapeutic programme for treating children (aged 4-8 years) with behaviour problems. The goal of this programme is to prevent and treat externalizing and internalising problems which are commonly comorbid in young children. Goals include strengthening the children’s social, emotional and self-regulation skills, and enhancing academic readiness and capabilities. Session inputs are provided to small groups of children, in 2 hr weekly sessions, over 18 - 22 weeks. Sessions are delivered using video tape vignettes, fantasy play with life size puppets (including dinosaurs) music, role play, hands-on practice activities, and homework assignments. These sessions teach children rules, school behaviour, feelings literacy, problem solving steps, anger management and friendship skills. The program is trauma-informed in that puppets can bring in problem issues to the children that represent themes of traumatic family events (e.g., divorce, death, abuse etc.) and communities issues (e.g., fires, tornados, earthquakes etc.) for discussion. With the help of the large child-size puppets, group leaders can help children learn to and practice emotion language to manage their fears, anger, guilt and depression through self-regulatory strategies such as deep breathing, positive self-talk, and positive imagery, to develop the social skills to build supportive friendships, and to problem solve using prosocial solutions in order to persevere in the face of difficult circumstances.
The programme is delivered according to a set curriculum, with seven dinosaur themed social, behaviour and emotion topics taught over the course of the programme. Group leaders are equipped with comprehensive manuals, DVDs, books, posters, cards, and stickers to enable them to deliver this programme. Prior to programme implementation, training and accreditation is highly recommended to enhance fidelity in programme delivery.
Incredible Years® recommend that the small group dinosaur school programme is delivered in conjunction with the IY parent program so that the resilience coaching learned in the small group programme can also be used by parents at home.
Incredible Years® provides a fidelity of implementation’ framework for sites. The steps required to effectively replicate the programme and achieve good outcomes include use of (1) standardised intervention materials; (2) 3-day training for group leaders by accredited mentor or trainer; (3) weekly group session protocols; (4) ongoing group leader supervision, consultation and support by IY coaches and/or mentors; (5) fidelity monitoring using evidence-based measures and final summative evaluations and (6) agency organisational supports.
Modifiable Components
The Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme is designed for children aged 4-8 years with behaviour and emotional problems. By understanding the programmes’ treatment model and content, this programme can be adapted to treat children with multiple co-existing behaviour problems. The programme should be tailored to meet the developmental, social and emotional goals that are set for each of the children.
The programme has also been translated into several languages, and delivered to multiple cultural groups. Ideally, this programme should be offered in combination with the Incredible Years parenting programme.
The Incredible Years® classroom dinosaur school, is a universal prevention programme using a similar curriculum (see separate entry).
Incredible Years® Inc. is based in Seattle and offers a series of inter-locking evidence-based programmes targeting parents, teachers and children. Incredible Years® small group dinosaur school programme is one of the Incredible Years® child training programmes.
Implementation Support
Incredible Years® Inc. have an agency readiness questionnaire that helps agencies determine their readiness for implementing the programme. Incredible Years® Inc. also have an implementation effectiveness questionnaire that helps agencies understand the organizational processes and implementation components required for programme delivery. Incredible Years mentors work with agencies to enhance agency understanding of the training, supervision and consultation needs of practitioners. Mentors also help agencies support group leaders in adopting the programme, becoming accredited and provide advice to agencies regarding logistical details and administrative support needed to implement this programme. Community leaders and agency administrators are encouraged to act in an advisory capacity to provide input to programme training, implementation and evaluation.
Licence Requirements
There is no licensing requirement to deliver the Incredible Years® Programmes. However, a Brand License Agreement is needed for use of Incredible Years® materials on web sites.
Start-up Costs
Start-up costs include an upfront one-off purchase of the Incredible Years child training (Dinosaur school) programme priced at $1,445. This programme includes 3 DVDs (4 hours), comprehensive therapist manual, dinosaur home activities manual, Wally’s detective books for solving problems (set of 4), laminated feeling wheels, posters, detective kit box, stickers, and incredible teachers book. Puppets are sold separately, with the Dina Dinosaur puppet and child puppets priced at $409 and $452 respectively.
Group leader training is highly recommended, and group leader training costs $690 for the 3-day training in Seattle. If an agency wants to train more than 10 people, Incredible Years ® Inc. can send a trainer to the host agency at $1,730 – $2100 per day, for three days. Other costs include certification/ accreditation processing fee of $600; additional video review (if required) costs $105/hr; phone consultation costs $210/hr; and in-person consultation day at Incredible Years site costs $230.
Building Staff Competency
Qualifications Required
Group leaders typically have degrees or experiences in psychology, teaching, social work, psychiatry, or nursing. It is recommended that group leaders have background knowledge in child development and cognitive, social learning theory as well as experience working directly with children who have behaviour problems.
Training Requirements
Incredible Years® Inc. offer group leaders a 3-day group leader training workshop delivered by an Incredible Years accredited mentor or trainer. This workshop helps group leaders promote fidelity in programme delivery, and is required for obtaining accreditation. Incredible Years® Inc. have a training progression process which enables continued development and accreditation of group leaders across multiple levels (from accredited group leader, to peer coach to mentor). Incredible Years certified peer coaches, mentors and trainers provide the training, supervision, consultation and support required by new group leaders.
Accreditation requires delivery of 2 child groups trainings using the small group dinosaur curriculum (2hr weekly sessions, over 18-22 weeks, each group consisting of 5-6 children), submission of weekly session protocols, 2 self-evaluations and peer evaluations, final parent satisfaction questionnaires, and satisfactory video review of conducted sessions. The training progression process enables continued development and accreditation of group leaders across multiple levels (from group leader to coach to mentor to trainer). Accreditation application is processed by Incredible Years accreditation committee.
Supervision Requirements
Consultation and coaching of leaders is highly recommended by Incredible Years® Inc. although not a requirement. The process includes peer review and self-evaluation of videotapes utilising process checklists, review of videotape feedback by an Incredible Years® mentor, review of evaluations, consultations once or twice per year with an Incredible Years® mentor or trainer and monthly telephone consultations. The cost of consultations with Incredible Years® mentors or trainers is $210 per hour.
When IY group leaders become accredited / certified, it is highly recommended they continue to participate in fidelity checks which could be in form of video review of group sessions conducted by group leader, consultations with accredited mentor, or coaching sessions with accredited coach.
Theory of Change
The Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme is trauma informed and guided by cognitive social learning theory. This theory stresses the significance of observation and modelling of positive attitudes, appropriate emotional responses, cognitive emotional self-regulation, positive self-talk and imagery. This is evident in the programme use of dinosaur themed materials, life sized puppets and video modelling vignettes and role play practices as core methods of programme delivery.
Preschool: 3 to 5 years - Rating: 4
Research Design & Number of Studies
Two internally conducted randomized controlled studies (RCTs) evaluating the Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme were identified. Both studies included children 4-5 years within the wider 4-8 age sample, however separate data are not available for them (4-5 years).
Outcomes Achieved
Compared to the control group, implementation of the Incredible Years® small group dinosaur school programme in children with conduct problems was associated with the following:
Children outcomes
• Significantly increased numbers of positive solutions, and significant improvements in children negative conflict management skills (Webster-Stratton et al, 1997)
• Significantly better social competence with peers (Reid et al, 2003; Webster-Stratton et al, 2004)
• Significantly reduced negative behaviours (Webster-Stratton et al, 1997), significantly fewer conduct problems in school (Reid et al, 2003; Webster-Stratton et al, 2004), and significantly fewer conduct problems with mother (Webster-Stratton et al, 2004)
Parent outcomes
• Significantly reduced negative parenting in mothers (Reid et al, 2003; Webster-Stratton et al, 2004)
At 12 months follow-up, the significant improvements observed posttreatment had been maintained (Webster-Stratton et al, 1997). At 2 years follow-up, the clinically significant improvements in conduct problems were maintained or improved (Reid, et al. 2003).
Key References
Webster-Stratton, C., & Hammond, M. (1997). Treating children with early-onset conduct problems: A comparison of child and parent training interventions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 93-109
Webster-Stratton, C., Reid, M. J., & Hammond, M. (2004). Treating children with early-onset conduct problems: intervention outcomes for parent, child, and teacher training. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 33(1), 105-124
Reid, M. J., Webster-Stratton, C., & Hammond, M. (2003). Follow-up of children who received the Incredible Years intervention for oppositional defiant disorder: Maintenance and prediction of 2-year outcome. Behavior Therapy, 34, 471-491.
Primary school: 6 to 12 years - Rating: 4
Research Design & Number of Studies
The best available evidence for 6-12 year olds comes from two randomised control trials (RCTs) (Webster et al, 1997; Reid et al, 2003/ Webster et al, 2004). The studies involved the programme developer and included children aged 4-8 year. Separate data for children aged 6-8 years were not given. Evidence outcomes for the age 6-12 years are the same as for 3-5 years evidence above.
Comparable Population
Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme is designed for children aged 4-8 years with social and emotional problems (including early onset conduct problems, oppositional defiant disorder and social anxiety).
Is this comparable to the population your organisation would like to serve? Desired Outcome
Incredible Years® small group dinosaur school programme is a therapeutic programme for children with social and emotional problems. Implementation is associated with reduced conduct problems, strengthened socioemotional skills and academic competence.
Has your organisation identified children with behavioural difficulties for which this programme would be useful? Does your organisation have other systems in place that effectively and efficiency achieve the above desired outcomes? If yes, are there unmet needs that the Incredible Years child training (Dinosaur school) dinosaur school programme will address?
Need Score
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The Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme has been developed as a therapeutic programme to strengthen social and emotional skills in children (aged 4 -8 years) with behaviour problems. Delivering this programme to targeted children has resulted in reduced conduct problems, and increased emotional, social and academic competencies in children.
Does this align with the priorities of your organisation? Existing Initiatives
Does your agency have existing treatment programmes targeted at children aged 4-8 years with behaviour problems? Are the existing initiatives effective? Do the existing initiatives fit your current and anticipated future requirements? Are there components within the Incredible Years child training (Dinosaur school) programme that are not met by existing programmes?
Fit Score
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Two leaders are required to deliver the Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme. Sometimes a third person is needed for children with severe problems. The programme is delivered in 2 hour weekly sessions, for 18-22 weeks. Group leaders will require additional time to prepare for the sessions. To deliver this programme with fidelity, group leader training and accreditation is highly recommended. Group leaders usually have degrees or experiences in teaching, social work, psychiatry, nursing or psychology. They would also have knowledge in child development and cognitive social learning theory.
Group leader training and accreditation is highly recommended. Incredible Years® also recommend that agencies work to develop in-house accredited coaches and mentors to enable future programme sustainability.
Does your organisation have practitioners with the interest and time within their job plans to undertake the recommended training, and deliver the programme? Is your organisation committed to supporting the training and accreditation of practitioners for fidelity in programme delivery? Is your organisation looking to develop a coach or mentor? Can the required support be provided? Technology Support
Incredible Years® small group dinosaur programme applies video modelling. For accreditation, group leaders are required to present videos of their group sessions for peer review and feedback.
Does your organisation have the technology to support practitioners in delivering this programme (DVD/ USB, TV, computer, projector)? To enable accreditation and progression, does your organisation have the technology to record videos for review, and technology to consult with Incredible Years mentor or trainer? Administrative Support
This programme can be offered in the community, e.g. churches, schools, and community mental health agencies. Parent volunteers are helpful with recruitment, transportation, materials preparation and program evaluation. Community leaders and agency administrators are encouraged to act in an advisory capacity.
Does your organisation have administrative capacity and systems to meet the administrative needs of the programme? At what venues will this programme be delivered? How will your organisation recruit volunteers and individuals who will act in an advisory capacity? Are there policies and procedures in place regarding gaining consent for video recording, and storing of these recordings? After training is delivered, can your organisation continue to provide support and implement strategies to ensure fidelity in program delivery? Financial Support
Start-up costs include purchase of the programme at $1,445; group leader training costs $690 per person in Seattle; or as part of a 15-25 person cohort on site at $1,730-2,100 per day (for 3 days). Other costs include Dina dinosaur puppet at $409; child puppets at $452; certification/ accreditation processing fee at $600 per person for each level (accreditation as group leader or coach or mentor or trainer); additional video review billed at $105 per hour; phone consultations at $210/hr; and in-person consultation at Incredible Years site in Seattle at $230.
Does your organisation have the finances to implement programme? How many practitioners would your agency like to train? Would onsite training be more cost effective for your agency? Is your organisation interested in training and accreditation of practitioners in this programme? Can this be financially supported by your organisation? Is the technology needed for programme implementation available to your practitioners? If not, can the technology be purchased?
Capacity Score
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