Research Design & Number of Studies
The best evidence in support of the PATHS® Programme in children aged 6-12 years, come from three externally conducted cluster RCTs in school children aged 7-9 years (Humphrey et al, 2018; Crean and Johnson, 2013/ Ruby and Dolittle, 2010; Malti et al, 2011), and one internally conducted randomized intervention trial in school aged children (mean age 8.66 years) with special needs (Kam, Greenberg and Kusché, 2004). Compared to the control group, the following outcomes were observed.
Outcomes Achieved
• Significantly improved psychological well-being (Humphrey et al, 2018)
• Significantly reduced teacher-rated conduct problems (Crean and Johnson, 2013)
• Significantly lower child-rated aggressive outcomes, i.e. lower aggressive social problem solving, hostile attribution bias, and aggressive interpersonal negotiation strategies (Crean and Johnson, 2013)
• Significantly reduced teacher-reported ADHD, and child-reported aggressive behaviour (Malti et al, 2011)
• Significantly increased academic competence and motivation (Ruby and Dolittle, 2010)
• Significantly reduced the rate of growth of teacher-reported internalizing and externalizing behaviours, and significantly greater rate of decrease in the depression scores (Kam, Greenberg and Kusché, 2004)
Key References
Humphrey N, Hennessey A, Lendrum A, Wigelsworth M, Turner A, Panayiotou M, et al. (2018). The PATHS curriculum for promoting social and emotional well-being among children aged 7–9 years: a cluster RCT. Public Health Res 6(10)
Crean, H.F. & Johnson, D.B. (2013). Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) and Elementary School Aged Children’s Aggression: Results from a Cluster Randomized Trial. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52, 56-72
Malti, T., Ribeaud, D., & Eisner, M.P. (2011). The effects of two universal preventive interventionsto reduce children’s externalizing behavior: A clusterrandomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40(5), 677-692
Ruby, A. & Doolittle. E. (2010), Efficacy of Schoolwide programs to promote Social and Character Development and reduce problem behaviour in Elementary school children. Social & Character Development Research Consortium and Institute of Education.
Kam, C., Greenberg, M. T., & Kusché, C. A. (2004). Sustained Effects of the PATHS Curriculum on the Social and Psychological Adjustment of Children in Special Education. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 12, 66-78